Rec Programs
UCLA Recreation offers a wide range of instructional classes each quarter. The mission of UCLA Recreation is to provide high quality recreational experiences that benefit the campus community. Visit our online store to explore full quarterly offerings.
Classes and Activities

Adaptive Recreation provides therapeutically-based recreation programs for people with cognitive and physical disabilities.

Swim lessons for youth and adults, leisure swimming, and a variety of aquatic fitness classes that cater to all ability levels

The UCLA Competitive Sports program consists of both Club and Intramural Sports. Check out the sports you can participate in.

Customized team and community-building programs for staff teams, cohorts, clubs/organizations, community groups, conferences, and beyond.

The FITWELL program offers a multitude of fitness and yoga classes, one-on-one service, certification programs, and wellness resources.

A variety of classes in arts, music, dance, sports, and fitness offered quarterly.

The Marina Aquatic Center is UCLA’s premier water-front recreation facility and is home to kayaking, rowing, sailing, surfing, and windsurfing classes.

Outdoor Adventures offers a variety of opportunities through wilderness outdoor trips, a Bike Shop, gear Rental Center, and the Rock Wall.

Youth Programs offers a variety of seasonal camps for children in grades K-12.