Marina Aquatic Center

The Marina Aquatic Center (MAC) is UCLA's premier water-front recreation facility just 10 miles from campus in scenic Marina del Rey. The MAC is home to a multitude of inclusive boating and safety programs, equipment rentals, youth programs, and competitive teams at both the collegiate and youth levels.

More Information

About the MAC

Our History:

The UCLA Marina Aquatic Center, formerly referred to as the “UCLA Boating and Safety Education Program,” was created in 1977 through a grant from the California Department of Navigation and Ocean Development for the purpose of providing boating safety and education at UCLA and in the Southern California area. For the first fourteen years of operation, the Marina Aquatic Center (MAC) operated instructional sailing and windsurfing programs as part of the University’s Department of Cultural and Recreational Activities (CRA). In 1991 the Department took over operation of the adjacent crew boathouse and subsequently added recreational rowing, kayaking, and surfing to its roster of activities. As part of a department wide expansion, the Center began offering youth boating in 1994, effectively exposing a new and important segment of the Southern California community to the concepts of water and boating safety. Due to the rapid rise in popularity of stand up paddling, and the Coast Guard's decision to regard SUP boards as vessels, the Marina Aquatic Center made the decision to add a Stand Up Paddling clinic to its schedule in 2011.

Today the Marina Aquatic Center is a vibrant waterfront recreation facility offering equipment rentals and a multitude of inclusive boating and safety programs in sailing, rowing, windsurfing, kayaking, stand up paddleboarding, and surfing. The MAC also houses the UCLA Men's and Women's Rowing Teams, UCLA Sailing Team, MAC Junior Rowing Team, and youth boating programs.

View the 2020 MAC Facility Tour made for UCLA student Welcome Week.

Mission Statement:

To complement the comprehensive services of the UCLA Department of Cultural and Recreational Affairs by offering the opportunity to experience high-quality boating programs in a waterfront environment to the UCLA community and the general public.


  • Boating and Water Safety
  • Recreational Boating Education with an Emphasis on Beginning Level Instruction
  • Strong Fundamental and Practical Applications in Boat Handling
  • Promotion of Health and Well-being
  • Widespread Access to Programs
  • Customer Service and Professionalism
  • Environmental Stewardship

DBW Partnership:

The Marina Aquatic Center partners with the California Division of Boating and Waterways who funds boating facilities, boating safety education and supports boating law enforcement in California. A portion of the equipment at the center is provided by the state parks division to enhance boating safety education in California.

Facility Policies


  • Parking at the MAC is limited and available on a first come first serve basis.  Facility users are encouraged to ride their bike or carpool. Do not park on any yellow striped area; doing so will force other vehicles to drive on the bike path to get around you.  Do not park in the Breakwater parking lot or garage - you will be towed.  Overflow parking is available at Dock 52 and Fisherman’s Village. 
  • Drive slowly and carefully to and from the MAC parking lot.  Watch for pedestrians and cyclists on the bike path and the Breakwater access road.  Once you reach the Marina Aquatic Center facility, drive on the striped access lane only. DO NOT drive on the LA County bike path.   When exiting parking spaces, watch for bike path traffic; stay on the striped driving lane and back into the turnaround area provided. All users should exit the MAC parking area the same way they entered – keeping left into the apartments and staying off of the bike path.


  • Participants should bring only what is minimally required to their rental and should arrive ready to get on the water.
  • Remember to bring:
    • Waterproof watch
    • Filled water bottle (no refills available at facility)
    • Clothing:  All participants will get wet from sitting in kayaks/equipment. Come wearing clothes that you are ok with getting wet and do not bring much more than what you need. 
    • Towel
    • Sun Protection 
    • Shoes
  • Cell phone, keys, and ID can be placed in small cell phone lockers during a rental or course. 
  • Lockers are available for use during rental or class participation, but locks are not provided. Please bring your own lock. Any additional personal items must be stored in your vehicle. Please leave all valuables at home. The MAC is not responsible for any lost or stolen items.


  • Restrooms are open only to MAC participants, including access to lockers, open changing space, and showers.
  • Locks and towels are not provided. 


  • All participants must be water safe and comfortable swimming a minimum of 100 yards and tread water for a minimum of five minutes.
  • Sailors, kayakers, stand up paddle boarders (SUP), and windsurfers are required to wear Personal Flotation Devices (PFDs) while on the dock and water, at all times. Rowers are exempt.
  • To protect your feet, always wear shoes at the MAC.  Shoes should have sufficient tread and heal Support to prevent you from slipping on the wet surfaces around the dock.  Bare feet are only allowed on the dock as you are launching or docking rowing shells, stand up paddleboards, windsurfers, kayaks, or laser sailboats.  Shoes should be replaced first thing after docking.    
  • When launching and docking, minimize the time you spend on the dock and the space that you take up to help reduce dock congestion.
  • Participants must be able to “self-rescue.” If you are unable to self-rescue due to an injury or equipment breakage, stay with the vessel. Do not try to swim to shore.  Hail the Dockmaster or other boaters for assistance.
  • Participants must be able to steer a safe course through the marina, keeping watch for obstacles.
  • During a rental, it not permitted to beach equipment, dock at another location, or to leave the vessel unattended at any time.
  • Report all collisions, injuries, and equipment damage immediately to the MAC Staff. Collisions include:
    • When two vessels collide for any reason, whether they sustain damage or not.
    • A MAC vessel hits or becomes stuck in rocks, mud, or any other stationary object.
  • The following is prohibited at the UCLA Marina Aquatic Center: 
    • Alcohol
    • Smoking or vaping 
    • Dogs off of their leash
    • Launching of personal equipment
    • Running, roughhousing, and/or riding bikes or scooters anywhere around the facility.   
    • Talking loudly or making excessive noise that may disturb our neighbors, before 8am and after 9pm
    • Sitting in or riding on the rolling equipment 


  • Renters will be responsible financially for equipment that is damaged beyond normal wear and tear. If the damage is excessive, they may be responsible for full repair/replacement costs ($90/hr on repair labor). Check the equipment for any damage before launching from the dock and report any issues with the equipment.
  • Complete a safety check of your vessel – make sure everything works and is properly adjusted before entering the water. 
  • Secure accessories and equipment before launching.
  • Never drag the equipment on the ground.
  • When you return to the dock, bring your equipment back into the allocated staging area. Thoroughly rinse your vessel with fresh water.
  • Return lifejackets to designated area to be sanitized by a staff member.
  • Do not use any tools or other Supplies owned by the Marina Aquatic Center.  Do not attempt to fix or customize any equipment while in your use.  See your instructor or the Dockmaster on duty if you need help with equipment. 


  • It is the general responsibility of all vessels to avoid collision. Care should be taken to give these vessels the space and opportunity to maneuver.
  • Follow all standard COLREGs for navigation.
  • Yield to incoming traffic as you leave the dock and maneuver through the inbound power channel.
  • Launch and dock with traffic flow.
  • The traffic in the Marina follows a counter clockwise pattern around buoys in the Main Channel and counter clockwise around center line of the Entrance Channel.
  • Do not stop your vessel in an area where you will impede others.  Yield to faster vessels.
  • Do not block traffic.  If you must stop to receive instruction, or adjust equipment, position your vessel out of the main traffic flow.


  • Certifications and rental eligibility gained through UCLA Marina Aquatic Center courses do not expire, however, all students are expected to maintain the boating and safety knowledge equivalent to or higher than the minimum proficiency required for course completion. We encourage the continued practice and maintenance of skills through equipment rentals, events, and continued courses.
  • If more than 12 months have passed without documented sport-activity or if at any point UCLA Marina Aquatic Center staff have safety-related concerns about the ability of a participant, the dockmaster may restrict rental access and/or modify certifications. Participants may be required to retake a course or to complete a private lesson to regain their certification and rental eligibility.


  • Participants may only rent within the wind parameters and designated areas as outlined in the table below. MAC staff reserve the right to determine when rentals and water activities are safe. Decisions will be based on the weather guidelines presented below, but staff may still choose to restrict activity even if the listed thresholds have not been reached.


Sailing I RS Quest 10 knots 14 knots Entrance Channel
Sailing II Laser, RS Vision 14 knots 16 knots Entrance Channel
Sailing III Laser, RS Vision 16 knots 20 knots Entrance & Main Channels
Sailing IV – Inside Laser, RS Vision 18 knots 24 knots Entrance & Main Channels
Sailing IV – Outside Laser, RS Vision 16 knots 20 knots Santa Monica Bay (No Gale Flag)
Friday Night Races Laser, RS Vision 16 knots 20 knots Entrance Channel
UCLA Sailing Team Flying Junior 16 knots 20 knots Entrance & Main Channels
Sculling I Maas Aero, 24 8 knots 12 knots Entrance & Main Channels
Sculling II Maas 27, Double 12 knots 12 knots Entrance & Main Channels, Basins
Rowing Teams - Marina Team 12 knots 16 knots Entrance & Main Channels, Basins
Rowing Teams – Creek Team 16 knots 20 knots Ballona Creek
No Qualification Sit-on-top Kayak 12 knots 16 knots Entrance and Main Channels
Sea Kayaking I Touring Kayak 12 knots 16 knots Entrance and Main Channels
Sea Kayaking II Touring Kayak 12 knots 16 knots Entrance and Main Channels, Basins
Sea Kayaking III Touring Kayak 16 knots 20 knots Entrance and Main Channels, Basins
Sea Kayaking IV Touring Kayak 16 knots 20 knots Entrance and Main Channels, Basins
Sea Kayaking V Touring Kayak 16 knots 20 knots Santa Monica Bay (No Gale Flag)
No Qualification or SUP I SUP 8 knots 12 knots Entrance and Main Channels


  • No outside sailing or kayaking if gale flag is up at the Harbormaster’s Office.
  • Conditions within three hours of the rental, current weather, and trends will be considered.
  • Weather forecast and/or warning flags will be used as justification for amending or suspending water activities in the entrance channel, marina, and Santa Monica Bay.
  • Dockmaster will use both Wind Gusts/Maximum Wind Speed and 10-Minute Wind Average in deciding whether to allow rentals.
  • If the small craft warning is posted with measured, or expected winds exceeding 20 knots, there will be no water activities.

Fog or low visibility:

  • Dockmaster must be able to see the opposite shore for at least 15 continuous minutes before allowing any water activities.
  • All renters, and unaccompanied vessels, must maintain visual contact with the MAC at all times.

Darkness or low light:

  • Dockmaster must be able to see the opposite shore for at least 15 continuous minutes before allowing any water activities.
  • All renters, and unaccompanied vessels, must maintain visual contact with the mac at all times.


  • At the first sign of lightning, all water activities will be immediately suspended and all users – renters, teams, class participants, and staff – should return to the mac without delay.
  • No water activities are permitted when there is a thunder and lightning storm.


  • Following significant rainfall, certain water activities shall cease for a minimum of 48 hours after the rain has stopped. All other activities will be allowed on the water after signing a water quality waiver. Please call the marina aquatic center before leaving home to find out whether water activities have resumed.

Sport-Specific Policies


  • Always use two people to carry the boats to and from the water.  Never drag the boats on the ground.
  • When lifting boats always communicate with your partner.
  • Use your paddle as a brace when entering the boat from the dock.
  • Sit on top kayaks may only be used inside Marina Del Rey Harbor.  They cannot be taken down the basins, outside or past the jetties or breakwater.
  • Any outside qualified kayaker wishing to paddle past the break wall must paddle with another outside qualified partner.
  • Outside qualified kayakers qualified to paddle past the break wall into Santa Monica Bay must always carry a radio, salamander, and spare paddle.
  • Outside qualified kayakers must wear helmets at all times when traveling through surf.  Extreme care and caution should always be used when paddling though surf.  If you question whether you can make it through, do not attempt it.


  • Stand up paddleboards may only be used inside Marina Del Rey Harbor.  They cannot be taken down the basins, outside or past the jetties or breakwater.
  • Users must launch and approach dock on their knees, instead of standing.
  • Use your paddle as a brace when entering the board from the dock.


  • The skipper is wholly responsible for the safety of his or her crew and vessel at ALL TIMES.  This includes (but is not limited to) knowing, understanding, and obeying ALL Navigation Rules including local traffic patterns, and all UCLA Marina Aquatic Center usage policies and procedures.
  • Guests may NOT skipper.
  • The skipper is wholly responsible for the vessel and equipment in his or her care.  Negligence may make the skipper liable for any additional repair and/or replacement costs.
  • When sailing on Santa Monica Bay, sailors must be dressed appropriately to prevent hypothermia which is a year-round concern. Wetsuits are mandatory when sailing on Santa Monica Bay from October to May and highly recommended for June through September. Additional spray protection (windbreaker etc.) is also recommended. Jeans are by definition unacceptable attire for sailing outside.


  • All shells on the water before sunrise or after sunset must use lights.
  • ONLY Dockmasters & Coaches can operate winches and creekside docks.

Youth Rental Requirements

To qualify to rent equipment at the UCLA Marina Aquatic Center, youth (under 18) must meet the following criteria:

  • Youth participants must weigh at least 50 lbs.
  • Youth participants must be water safe (minimally able to swim 50 yards and to tread water for two minutes without assistance from an adult or floatation aid).
  • Parent/Guardian must sign all applicable waivers, including a liability release and an agreement stating that the minor can meet the above water safety requirement.
  • Parent/Guardian must accompany all youth renters for the full duration of their rental.

For each sport area, youth participants must meet the minimum age requirement and pass the appropriate level qualification for the equipment to be rented:

  • SAILING: Youth sailors, ages 10-17, may achieve a youth sailing qualification through Sailing Summer Camp, or limitedly available youth private lessons. Once qualified, they may skipper the sailboat during an equipment rental but must be accompanied by a qualified adult.
  • SIT-ON-TOP KAYAKING and STAND UP PADDLEBOARDING: Youth paddlers, ages 14-17, may take out their own equipment during a rental with no prerequisite experience or qualification, but must be accompanied on the water by an adult in a nearby vessel.
  • ROWING and SEA KAYAKING: Youth paddlers, ages 14-17, may achieve qualification through limitedly available youth lessons to take out their own equipment during a rental, but must be accompanied on the water by an adult in a nearby vessel.
  • WINDSURFING is not available at this time.


A qualified parent or guardian may bring youth guests to join their double sit-on-top kayak or sailing rental as long as the youth participant meets the following requirements:

  • Youth participants must weigh a minimum of 50lbs.
  • Youth participants must be water safe (minimally able to swim 50 yards and to tread water for two minutes without assistance from an adult or floatation aid).
  • Parent/Guardian must sign all applicable waivers, including a liability release and an agreement stating that the minor can meet the above water safety requirement.
  • The parent/guardian is wholly responsible for the equipment during the rental and agrees to follow all posted guidelines and staff requests. MAC staff reserve the right to deny/alter rentals based on weather, traffic in the Marina, activity at the MAC and safety concerns

Stay Connected - Join Our Google Groups

Join the Google Group for any sport area of your interest and stay up to date with the latest information on events, facility announcements and more. The groups act as a mailing list and can be used to find sailing partners, set up paddle outings, and to share photos. It's the next best thing to being at the MAC!

Steps to Join:

1. Click on the link below corresponding to the sport specific list you want to join.

MAC Kayaking Group

MAC Windsurfing Group

MAC Rowing Group

MAC Sailing Group

2. Sign in to view the group.

NOTE: You can sign in using an existing google account or you can create a google account using any email address.

3. Apply for membership to the group and set your notification preferences.

4. Once Approved, you will receive an email with your acceptance into the group and you will be able to view and post messages.

To send messages:

Send an email to the list using the email address associated with the group or post directly from within the group. All posts will be approved by MAC staff before being distributed to the list.

If you wish to leave the group:

From the ‘My Groups’ tab on the Google Groups page, select ‘Leave Group’ at any time. You may also edit notification settings if you wish to remain in the group but want less frequent notifications.

Please let us know if you have any questions about anything or visit

See you on the water!

Competitive Teams at the MAC

The MAC is proud to host several student competitive teams that train and compete out of our boathouse. For more information on MAC team programs, please follow the links below to their own web pages.

Current Weather

Current weather conditions at the MAC

Other Weather Links
Santa Monica Basin Buoy Observations (Station 46025)
Weather Underground MDR Forecast MDR Forecast
Current Weather at LAX
Watch The Water LA County Coastal Monitoring Network MDR Cam

Contact Us/ Meet the Staff

General Office Contact Information:
Phone: 310.823.0048
Address: 14001 Fiji Way, Marina del Rey, CA 90292

Kylie Lausten

Interim Director

Nora Lee

Administrative Supervisor

Byron Pfeifer

Marine Maintenance Technician

Zohar Abramovitz

MAC Junior Rowing Program Head Coach