Bruin Swim Club
Welcome to the Bruin Swim Club (BSC), a year around program with the 2 weeks closure over the winter break and observing all the government holidays.
Bruin Swim Club is open to boys and girls ages 6 to 17 and combines a competitive spirit with training that is developmentally appropriate. Our high-quality coaching encourages the achievement of each individual and enforces athletic training, motivational support, and having fun.
If you are interested in this program, please feel free to register for the swim test/evaluation at this link: TRYOUT
Tryouts will be held on Wednesdays at 6pm at Student Activity Center. Register for Tryouts.
The minimum club requirement is ability to swim 50 y freestyle.
The parent/guardian will need to create an account with UCLA Recreation then add their dependent(s) to their profile. Once you have completed the tryouts and have been approved, you will receive an email from the coach with a link to register for the club and all other information.
Contact Information
If you have any further questions about Bruin Swim Club, please use the following contact information:
- Julia Voitovitsch, Head Coach
- Ivan Podvalov, Assistant Coach
- Billing

Getting Started with Bruin Swim Club
Tryouts & Group Requirements
Attend a tryout! Tryouts are offered every Wednesday at Student Activity Center at 6 PM. Please register for the tryouts. Tryout Registration.
Once you have completed the tryouts and have been approved, you will receive an email from the coach with instructions to register for BSC membership and all other Bruin Swim Club information.
Group Requirements
Level 1: ability to swim 50 yards freestyle breathing to the side
Level 2: basic knowledge of all 4 strokes and ability to swim 3 x 100 Freestyle on 2:30
Level 3: knowledge of all 4 stokes and ability to perform an endurance test - 6x 100y freestyle on interval 2 min.
Level 4: more advanced knowledge of all 4 strokes and ability to perform an endurance test of 8 x100 freestyle on interval 1:40 min
Swimmers will be tested/evaluated for an opportunity to advance to the next level by the end of each Spring/ Summer / Fall/ Winter quarter.
Member Profile/Account Login
Once your swimmer has completed the swim tryouts and have been approved by a coach, you will receive an email from the coach with a Welcome email including registration instructions and policies.
Returning BSC members can access their Rec profile here. TIP: Guardian renews assigned Bruin Swim Club Membership under their own Rec profile (not dependent's profile)
Membership Terms & Pricing
AutoPay Membership Requirements & Pricing
Bruin Swim Club Membership is for access to Bruin Swim Club practices only. No further facility access will be granted without a purchased Rec Membership.
Membership Requirements:
- Proof of current USA Swimming Membership
- An updated CampDoc profile is required for each participant.
- NOTE: Swim Club Coaches manage the swim levels and schedules. Coaches will communicate all changes through the parent’s email on file in CampDoc.
Monthly Pricing:
Bruin Swim Club- All Levels
Student- $175/session/monthly
Faculty/Staff- $225/session/monthly
Alumni/Community- $250/session/monthly
AUTOPAY Membership Terms & Conditions
AutoPay Membership Terms & Conditions
- AutoPay requires a 3-month minimum commitment.
- After three months, it is a month-to-month membership. Each month must be paid in full on the first business day of the month.
- A valid credit card must be saved to Rec profile upon membership enrollment. It is the member's responsibility to keep the payment card up-to-date for upcoming payments. APPLEPAY not accepted.
- No membership refunds, proration, discounts, or extensions for any facility and campus closures, including the annual winter closure.
AutoPay Declined Payments
- Outstanding Payments: For all declined credit cards, Member Services will email the member on the first business day of the month. Member must update their payment card Recreation Profile and pay the outstanding invoice.
- REQUIRED: Email to confirm payment within 2 business days. If payment is not received by the 5th of the month, the BSC membership will be immediately terminated.
AutoPay Cancellation Policy
- Cancellations due by the 15th - It is the member’s responsibility to submit the Cancellation Request Form prior to the 15th of the preceding month to avoid being charged for the following month.
- Email and phone requests are not valid cancellation requests. Form must be submitted to initiate cancellation.
- AutoPay memberships require a 3-month minimum commitment. Each month must be paid in full on the first business day of the month. Requests to cancel prior to 3-months will automatically result in a $30 cancellation fee to the saved card on profile.
- Membership holds are not available. Member must submit a cancellation request and can re-enroll into membership as needed.
- Refunds will not be provided for duplicate membership purchases.
- All Memberships are non-refundable and discounts and extensions are not offered for any facility or campus closures.
- If Recreation does not receive cancellation form, no cancellation will be processed. Refunds will be processed to saved card on file. For outdated/declined payment cards, Member services will contact customer via phone and email to collect new payment type.
- 90 days after submitting the Cancellation form, the refund is void.
- It is the responsibility of the member to ensure their personal contact information is up to date with Recreation. Contact information includes: current email address and phone number. Recreation is not responsible for missed communications due to out-of-date contact information.
- A refund up to 3 months of charges can only be considered for the following three exceptions. The first three months of membership are NOT eligible for any refunds.
- Member has separated from employment with the University,
- Member will be moving 50 miles or more from the facility (must provide documentation
- Member has a documented medical circumstance that will not allow them to use the facility.
Bruin Swim Club Policies
The Bruin Swim Club has a ZERO TOLERANCE POLICY! Bullying, Sexual Harassment, and Misconduct of any kind WILL NOT be tolerated. The swimmer will receive a warning and be disciplined accordingly. If the issue persists the swimmer will be suspended from club activities.
A. Never interfere with the progress of another swimmer either physically or verbally during practice or otherwise.
B. Swimmers must be punctual for all practices and meets. Swimmers are to be dressed five minutes before the start of practice and on deck ready to practice per their coach’s instruction.
C. Pay attention and follow instructions at all times.
D. During practice sessions, swimmers are never to leave the pool area without the coach's permission.
E. Follow instructions from the lifeguards and all posted safety rules, such as no running on the pool deck.
F Swimmers are expected to behave responsibly in the locker rooms. Use of the facilities is a privilege. Bruin Swim Club members are guests while on campus (both swimmers and parents). Every member of the club needs to respect this privilege. Damages to University property may result in financial liability for the swimmer's parents. Any damage may also result in suspension from Bruin Swim Club.
G. No loitering in the bathrooms during practice.
H. Any swimmer who is known to use alcohol, drugs, or tobacco is subject to suspension and/or expulsion from the team.
I. At all club functions, whether practice, meets, or social gatherings, we expect each swimmer to behave in such a way that their actions reflect positively on the team.
J. All members of the club, whether parents or swimmers are expected to protect and improve the integrity and reputation of the club.
K. We do not prorate, no make up sessions or changing the days of the session.
Day-use Lockers will be available at the Student Activities Center Pool.
Punctuality is extremely important. Your child should arrive at practice on time, preferably 15 minutes prior to the scheduled workout time so that he/she will have sufficient time to change and check in for practice. Pick-up has to be no later than 15 min after the practice time.
To ensure safety, well-organized, and effective coaching instructions, we have no parents on the deck policy.
If your child requires medication during the practice and/or meets it must be noted on their emergency form. We are prohibited from dispensing over-the-counter medications or supplements.
Lost and Found items are stored at the facility in which they were lost. After two weeks, unclaimed lost and found items are donated to charity. UCLA Recreation is not responsible for any items lost during practice or meets. We highly encourage you to not allow children to bring valuable items to practices or meets. All personal items should be clearly labeled with their first and last names in permanent ink.
Parking is available for hourly use in Parking Lot 4. Parking can be purchased at the kiosk or by following the app directions posted. There isn’t an option for load in/load out or drop off/pick up. Parents are required to check in and pick up all swim club members. Children under 12 will not be allowed to leave without a parent present for pick up.
Recreation employees are mandated by California State Law to report any suspected cases of child abuse or neglect directly to the appropriate authorities for investigation. While we have established internal procedures to facilitate reporting and apprising supervisors, we cannot by law require our employees to disclose his or her identity to anyone.
Please send your child to practice with waterproof sunscreen (SPF 30 or higher), with your child's name clearly marked on it. Helpful Suggestion: Try applying all-day waterproof sunscreen
More About Bruin Swim Club
Meets, Swim Clinics & Socials
Feb 9- Location TBA
April 5th or 6 –Location TBA
June 7 or 8 – Location TBA
Swim Clinics
Jan 26 ( Butterfly)
Feb 23 ( Backstroke flip turns)
March 23 ( Breaststroke)
Social Events
September 22 - Beach Party at Will Roger Beach Park from 10:00 AM - 12:30 PM
Session Options/Times:
1 session is 1 month from 1-31st
We do not prorate, no make-up or changing the days of the sessions is possible.
- Level 1-2: Monday, Wednesday, Friday 4 PM - 5 PM AND/OR
- Level 1-2: Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday Tu/Th 4 PM - 5 PM, Sat. 10 AM - 11 AM
- Level 3-4: Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday Tu/Th 5 PM - 6 PM , Sat. 11 AM - 12 PM AND/OR
- Level 3-4: Monday, Wednesday, Friday 5 PM - 6 PM
If you have any questions please feel free to email Coach Julia at or Coach Ivan at
No workouts on
- Jan 18 - 20, Martin Luther King holiday
- Feb 15 - 17, President's Holiday
- Mar 28 - 29, Cesar Chavez Holiday
- May 24 - 26, Memorial Day Holiday
- June 19, Juneteenth Holiday
- July 4 - 5, July 4th Holiday
- Aug 30 - Sep 1, Labor Day Holiday
- Nov 10 - 11, Veteran's Day Holiday
- Nov 26 - 30, Thanksgiving Holiday
- Dec 20 - Jan 4, Winter break
Primary Location: Student Activities Center Pool
220 Westwood Plaza
Los Angeles, CA 90095
Other pools on campus that we might be using:
120 Westwood Plaza
Los Angeles, CA 90095
Family Pool at Sunset Canyon Recreation Center
111 Easton Drive
Los Angeles, CA 90095
Park Pool at Sunset Canyon Recreation Center
111 Easton Drive
Los Angeles, CA 90095
Dirks Pool at Spieker Aquatics Center
114 Easton Drive
Los Angeles, CA 90095
Swim Equipment
Swim equipment needed at workouts for all levels:
Swim cap pick up is at the check in/ out at the pool
You can purchase any of these or similar items anywhere you like, this is just an example of what we will need for the workouts.
- UCLA Swim Cap
- Kick board - you can use any kick board you like ( maybe you already have one )
- Junior pull buoy
- Floating fins
- Mesh storage bag
- Level 3 and 4 only:
- Snorkel (Kids ages 12 under)
- Snorkel (Kids ages 12 and up)
- Swim Paddles (size S or M depends on your hand size)
To learn how to make swimming a lifestyle. By making swimming a lifestyle, you learn what it means to be committed and disciplined, how to live and enjoy the moment, and how to set long-term goals. We want our swimmers to have fun while they are working hard. The rewards will come through commitment, hard work, and enjoyment of this special sport. Goals: Swimmers receive excellent technique training in all swimming strokes. Swimmers gain strength and endurance in all swimming strokes. Swimmers learn the language of competitive swimming and interval training and how to pace themselves in meets. Swimmers are encouraged to become self-disciplined and self-motivated. Swimmers participate in a multi-age group club that promotes friendship and supporting one another.
Elite Coaching Swim Lessons
Priority is given to the kids who are interested in joining the swim team.