Instructional and Boating Programs
Information about programs can be found in the drop-downs below. To explore current offerings, view pricing, and register for courses, please visit the ‘Instructional Programs’ of the Recreation Webstore.
All courses have been filling very quickly with growing waitlists. We recommend joining waitlists of any offerings you may be able to attend so you can be notified of any additional spaces opening up.
Added course offerings and registration dates will be communicated on the Google Group mailing lists for the facility.
Learn how fun and exciting sculling can be at one of Southern California’s premier small boat rowing facilities! We offer year-round weekday and weekend courses. Students start in Maas Aero single sculls and then may progress to more advanced single sculls like the Maas 24 and Maas 27. Get qualified on our equipment and enjoy post class opportunities of leisurely rowing rentals and community events! For all classes, you must be 18yrs+ and a proficient swimmer to register.
Classes We Offer:
- Intro to Sculling - Maas Aero:Learn everything you need to start rowing right away! The class is designed for the novice rower who has little or no sculling experience. We emphasize the development of solid on-the-water skills as well as a basic navigational knowledge such as terminology and right-of-way rules.
- Maas 24 Checkout**: After completing 15 hours of rowing at the facility in Maas Aero, rowers may continue to develop your sculling knowledge on a more advanced boat.
- Maas 27 Checkout**:After completing 30 hours of rowing at the facility in a Maas Aero or Maas 24, rowers may continue to develop your sculling knowledge on a more advanced boat.
- Double Checkout**:After completing 60 hours of rowing at the facility in a Maas Aero, 24, or 27, rowers may fine-tune their boat handling and technical skills course with a partner in a double scull.
After passing a class or checkout, you will become eligible to rent boats (of the type specific to your class) from our facility during open rental hours. After each class, we recommend coming to the facility to rent and practice before you sign up for a higher-level checkout.
**Intro qualified rowers need NOT pursue a Checkout on other equipment. After meeting the minimum rowing requirement, rowers looking to pursue certification on advanced boats
Course Materials:
Learn how fun and exciting sailing can be at one of Southern California’s premier small boat sailing facilities! We offer year-round weekend courses. Students start in RS Quest double-handed dinghies and then may progress to more advanced racing dinghies like the Laser and RS Vision. Get qualified on our equipment and enjoy post class opportunities of leisurely rental sails, friendly races, and community events out on the Santa Monica Bay! For all classes, you must be 18yrs+ and a proficient swimmer to register.
Classes Currently Offered:
- Intro to Sailing – RS Quest: Learn everything you need to start sailing right away! The class is designed for the novice sailor who has little or no sailing experience. We emphasize the development of solid on-the-water skills as well as a basic nautical knowledge such as terminology and right-of-way rules.
- Singlehanded Sailing - Laser: Continue your sailing education in a singlehanded laser (Enforced prerequisite: Intro to Sailing). Experience the ultimate single-handed sailboat, the Olympic Class Laser. With no crew necessary, and only one sail, all you will ever need to enjoy the water is a little bit of wind.
After passing a class, you will become eligible to rent boats (of the type specific to your class) from our facility during open rental hours. Classes must be taken in order. After each class, we recommend coming to the facility to rent and practice before you sign up for a higher-level course. You may not sign up for consecutive courses at the same time, as certifications serve as registration prerequisites.
Course Materials:
- Learning to Sail Manual
- Course Expectations – Intro to Sailing
- Singlehanded Laser Manual
- Course Expectations – Singlehanded Sailing
Sea Kayaking
Learn how fun and exciting sea kayaking can be at one of Southern California's premier small boat facilities. We offer year-round weekend courses. Students start in our intro to sea kayaking course and then may progress to more advanced courses and clinics. Get qualified on our equipment and enjoy post class opportunities of leisurely rentals, and community events out on the Santa Monica Bay! For all classes, you must be 18yrs+ and a proficient swimmer to register.
Classes Currently Offered:
- Intro to Sea Kayaking: Learn everything you need to start kayaking right away! The three-day class is designed for the novice paddlers who has little or no sea kayaking experience. We emphasize the development of solid on-the-water skills as well as a basic nautical knowledge such as terminology and right-of-way rules. This class includes paddling in the Marina and progresses to practicing paddling and rescues in the open ocean.
After passing a class, you will become eligible to rent boats from our facility during open rental hours. After each class, we recommend coming to the facility to rent and practice before you sign up for a higher-level offering. You may not sign up for consecutive courses at the same time, as certifications serve as registration prerequisites.
Course Materials:
Windsurfing is currently unavailable due to limited dock space and harbormaster restrictions.
Surfing is currently unavailable due to seasonal permitting restrictions.
Private Instruction and Skills Evaluation Orientations (SEOs)
Due to the high volume of requests that we are receiving scheduling is taking longer than anticipated. We apologize for any inconvenience and are trying our absolute best to ensure that everyone’s request/inquiries are addressed or fulfilled as soon as possible. We will contact you once an instructor becomes available for scheduling. Please do not pre-pay; payment for the SEO will be processed after scheduling is complete.
Requests for Skills Evaluations and post-course Plan of Improvement lessons will be prioritized. Those looking for introductory instruction to gain rental certification should pursue our group classes.
Private instructions and SEOs for Sailing, Sea Kayaking, and Rowing can be requested through this online form:
Lessons can only be requested by the participant, and the form should not be completed on behalf of another person. Requests may take up to 5 business days to process and scheduling is contingent upon instructor and facility availability. We hope to have students out on the water as soon as possible, but please allow 1-4 weeks for scheduling.
Private Lessons: Private lessons can be completed in 1.5 hour sessions to work on specific boat-handling skills, to be introduced to a sport area, and/or to work on a plan of improvement received from a MAC instructor. Although it may be possible to gain a rental certification though private lessons, no certification is guaranteed through repeated private lessons. New boaters are encouraged to join our full instructional programs instead of private lessons wherever possible. A maximum of 1 equipment type may be used per Private Lesson.

Skills Evaluation Orientation (SEO): An SEO is a formal check out and practical exam with an instructor, not an instructional lesson. To be eligible for an SEO, you must have significant sport experience on comparable equipment to that used at the MAC. Certification is not guaranteed with completion of an SEO. A maximum of 1 equipment type may be used per SEO.