Little Bruins Clubhouse
On behalf of UCLA Recreation, we would like to welcome you and your family to our Little Bruin Clubhouse community! The Little Bruin Clubhouse, funded by the Social Justice Referendum, provides free and reduced-cost evening youth programming for dependents at the Sunset Canyon Recreation Center for children ranging from diaper graduate to age 12. Student dependents may utilize the clubhouse at no cost.
The Little Bruins Clubhouse has been temporarily relocated to an outdoor/indoor space at Sunset Canyon Recreation Center.
Spring Quarter 2025 Programming
The Little Bruins Clubhouse is free for UCLA students and their dependents and is currently free for UCLA graduate students. Programming is for children ages Diaper Graduate to 12 years.
March 31- June 7
- Monday-Thursday from 4:30 PM-7:45 PM
- Saturday from 12:00 PM-4:00 PM
April 24
- 9:00 AM- 5:00 PM
*NO LITTLE BRUINS CLUBHOUSE 4/14, 4/15, 4/16, 4/17, 4/18, 5/24, & 5/26
Make a Reservation
To make Little Bruins Clubhouse reservations, please follow these instructions:
- Log in to your account
- Ensure your dependents are on your account: Click on your username in the top, right corner and then 'profile' in the drop-down menu. Scroll to the bottom of the page and you see 'add a dependent' in blue.
- Email to activate your family’s account
Frequently Asked Questions
Is food/snack provided?
We do not provide food/snacks. Participants may bring their own snack or meal to be eaten, we regret we are unable to provide refrigeration nor are we able to heat food.
Can I leave the campus while my child is in LBC?
This service is provided while parents are engaging in classes, activities, or study groups on campus. In the event of an emergency, parents must be available to retrieve their child within 15 minutes.
What activities do you provide for children?
We have a variety of activities for participants, including but not limited to board games, a reading corner, a homework station, puppets, imaginative play and dress-up opportunities, and art projects.
Who is the staff?
The staff is UCLA youth counselors who engage children in age-appropriate activities. They are trained and certified in CPR, First Aid, and AED. Staff is continuously trained to work with youth and child development.
Is this available for staff and faculty?
This program is currently only available for UCLA students. Currently, the Little Bruin Clubhouse is funded in large part by the SJR undergraduate referendum. The LBC currently provides free programming to all students including graduate and professional students.
Who is eligible?
Enrolled UCLA students and graduate students with children are currently eligible to take advantage of this program.
How do I sign up?
Please email Ask to have your LBC reservations activated. Once your account has been activated, you can reserve your spaces per day.
Currently, you are able to make a reservation 5 days in advance, up to 1 hour before closing.
What does diaper graduate mean?
A diaper graduate is a child who can successfully use the restroom without assistance from an adult.
How long can my child stay?
Participants can stay as long as the LBC is open.
Currently, the LBC is open:
- Monday - Thursday, 4:30 PM - 7:45 PM
- Saturday, 12:00 PM – 4:00 PM
Parent/guardians will be asked to pick up participants who:
- Are significantly non-compliant or flight risks
- Show aggressive behaviors
- Become a danger to themselves or others
How is the participant expected to behave?
All of our community members and their children (on a age appropriate basis) are held to our philosophy of inclusivity, this applies to participants and their families regardless of physical or cognitive ability, sexual orientation, gender identification, race, or religion. It is essential that all members of our community are aware that they are choosing to participate in an organization that holds this value and understand that our participant expectations of participants and their families is reflective of this philosophy.
COVID-19 Information
- All children are required to wear a face mask
- All children must complete the UCLA COVID-19 Symptom Monitoring and Vaccination Verification System before each LBC visit
How to sign up for the Symptom Monitoring survey
- Click on “Pre-k – 12 Child (to be taken by the parent)”
- Input their “M-#” (you can find this on your UCLAREC membership profile)
- If your child is not registered, a pink box will appear.
- Click on “Please enroll here”
- Input child’s information
- For “ID Number” input their “M-#” (ex. M-123456)
- Fill out the symptoms survey